Cancer Education and Health

Cancer Education is critical to reducing disparities in cancer prevention. The success of cancer control programs in medically underserved and hidden populations lies in access to education and information, promoting lifestyle changes, and strong partnerships with the community.

To learn more about cancer education for incarcerated smokers, please read:

Valera, P., Mackey, D., & Cropsey, K. (2019). A pilot study of cancer 101 for incarcerated male smokers. Behavioral Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/08964289.2019.1588219

Cancer 101 Animated Videos (contact: Pamela Valera). The development of Cancer 101 animated videos available through CHJL is one cancer prevention strategy that can help medically underserved and hidden populations improve their trust with the medical care system and promote health.


This work was supported by the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey 2017 New Investigator Award (P30CA072720) and the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute (K22CA197066).